Create your own Metroid Item\'s!

Posted by Sk2k52

For the 2d line, or 3d line. Either a suit, beam, visor, accessory, whatever, and what its purpose and capabilities are.

Name: Echo Beam
Series: 2D
Type: Beam
Effect: Minimal damage, bounces off walls up to 10 times (maybe more). Deals extra damage to sound sensitive enemies. Charged blasts exposes nearby invisble objects for a moment.
Purpose: To activate switches on other sides of sealed doors by shooting throuhg small, morphball size vents.

Name: X-Vision
Series 2D or 3D
Type: Visor
Effect: Allows to see X parasites.
Purpose: To see X cores within the enemies whoms physical bodies regenerates at extreme rates. Would be used in post-fusion games, if X still survives (ahem, escape pods? ;3)

Name: Bullet Suit
Series: 2D or 3D
Type: Suit
Effect: Freezes time, costing 20 energy per second to hold. Begins overheating after 10 seconds, and cannot be used for the next 10 seconds.
Purpose: Allows an easier time to do manuevers, or get to areas requiring an enemy standing in a specific location, also buys time to damage said enemy while its weakness is exposed.